Honors Theses

Theses I have advised:


Olivia Glick. Government. Wesleyan University. “An Unfulfilled Promise: Persistent Inequality in Post-Apartheid South Africa”. Included fieldwork in South Africa. Awarded High Honors in Government.


Aletta Brady. Government. Wesleyan University. “Freshwater Negotiation in the Nile River Basin: What Explains the Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation?” Included fieldwork in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Uganda. Awarded Honors in Government.

Chloe E. Holden. Government. Wesleyan University. “Don’t Bet the Farm: Insights from Two Cases of Agricultural Policy Adjustment.” Awarded Honors in Government.


Renee Dunn, CSS. “You Win Some, You Lose Some: The Political Economy of Formal Entrepreneurship in Kampala, Uganda.” Included fieldwork in Uganda. Awarded High Honors in the College of Social Studies.


No theses due to sabbatical


Rachel Levenson, Government. “Why, despite the prevalence of microfinance institutions in Uganda, do moneylenders continue to exist?” Included fieldwork in Uganda. Awarded High Honors in Government.

Kathlyn Pattillo, CSS. “The South African Teachers’ Union and Leadership in Umlazi high schools”. Included fieldwork in South Africa. Awarded High Honors in the College of Social Studies.


Allison Cies, Government. “Accounting for Patterns of Fertility in East Asia.” Awarded High Honors in Government.

Miranda Becker, CSS. “Call and Response: The European Union and China in Assisting African Development.” Included fieldwork in Europe. Awarded Honors in the College of Social Studies.


Julien Burns, Government.“Facilitating Development: The Potential of NGOs, Corporations and the U.S. Government to Alleviate Poverty in Kenya.” Included fieldwork in Kenya. Awarded Honors in Government.

Melina Aguilar, CSS.“The Paradox of the Cuentos Chinos: The Future of Sino-Ecuadorian Relations.” Awarded Honors in the College of Social Studies.


Kenton K. Atta-Krah, Government and French Studies. “From Business Usual to Business Unusual: Exceptionalism in Africa’s relationships with France & China.” Included fieldwork in Ghana. Awarded High Honors in Government and French Studies.